

Tasty Popcorn Snack

A few months ago, I decided to buy some popcorn for my regular Friday night movies with my friends. We will always go to the candy, but I wanted a change. I had not had the popcorn for a while as I only get it when we go to the cinema and very rarely. Popcorn went down a treat.

For weeks and weeks we continued to buy popcorn to go along with the movie. A friend suggested that I could make a popcorn dish/snack so I decided to have a look at the Internet to see what was out there. I was very surprised to see that there were thousands of recipes. Popcorn is a great ingredient to use as not only is it delicious, it is also one of the healthiest snacks as it is low in calories and fat. After trying a few different types of popcorn to use, my favorite is Cretors popcorn and since I live in the UK, is one of the only places to buy this type in the country-it will be recommended by a friend who works in a movie theater.

I've made a few of these recipes only but I have a favorite:

Chocolate and Smarties Popcorn balls

This is a great snack, similar to the traditional chocolate Rice crispies/Cornflake cakes. You can use as many grams as you want, keep adding to make it perfect for you.

What should I use?

Some corn syrupSome butter or margarineA few tbsp cocoa powder or a block of cooking chocolate (recommended 2 table spoons) A bag of Smarties/M & M'sA bag of popcornA plate

What should I do?

Put the chocolate/cocoa powder, syrup, butter/margarine and sugar in a saucepan and cook.Add as much popcorn as you wish into the mixture until they are covered with chocolate/cocoa.Add M & M/Smarties into the mix.Get a plate and shape them into balls and place in the refrigerator to cool.Eat and enjoy!

There are lots of fun and tasty recipes out there and can't believe how popular popcorn in cooking actually is.

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